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Tribal/State Collaborative

The Children’s Commission recognizes and respects the Tribal sovereignty of Texas’ three federally-recognized Tribes and pursues efforts that protect the best interests of and promotes stability for Indigenous children and families. The Commission collaborates with the Texas’ three federally recognized Tribes and partners with other system stakeholders to promote ongoing knowledge and understanding of the ICWA and its importance. The Children’s Commission educates judges and lawyers on the importance of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), including the context of historical trauma and tools to assist with practical application of the ICWA. Further, the Commission continually works to include Tribal judges and attorneys in all relevant legal trainings including the Children’s Commission annual Child Welfare Judges Conference and the 2021 Texas Indian Child Welfare Act Summit.

Collaborative efforts include maintaining relationships with representatives from the Texas Tribal nations and partnering with other system stakeholders to promote ongoing knowledge of Tribal practices. This collaborative effort includes maintaining Tribal representation on other Children’s Commission efforts, such as the Statewide Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Care. The Children’s Commission also partners with DFPS in supporting Tribal/State collaborative meetings and collaborates with the Capacity Building Center for Courts and the participants of the CIP ICWA Constituency Group. The Children’s Commission works with national ICWA and leading organizations on understanding and implementation of the Federal Rule and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Guidelines.

Please visit the Reports & Resources page for recent publications.