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Children's Commission Conversations Podcast

Children's Commission Conversations

The Children’s Commission Conversations podcast episodes are brief, informal, and interactive dialogues that provide education and practical resources to address issues in child welfare. Although they are designed to inform and support judges and attorneys who serve Texas children, youth, and families experiencing the child welfare system, the conversations are available to anyone who may be interested.

Episode 1: Introduction to the CCC

In this inaugural episode of Children's Commission Conversations, we chat with executive director Jamie Bernstein to introduce the work of the Children's Commission and highlight resources available to judges and attorneys who serve Texas children, youth, and families experiencing the child welfare system.

  • Took Kit for Attorneys Representing Parents and Children in Child Welfare Cases LawBox and PDF

  • Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services in Child Welfare Cases LawBox and PDF

Cindy Dyar, TBLS Board Certified in Child Welfare Law, joins us to talk about the impact of pre-petition advocacy on the parent client and on the family, and shares practice tips for parent attorneys taking pre-petition cases.
